Waterwell Solutions

Onsen Energy employs in-house equipment of the highest technical specifications for the drilling of waterwell boreholes.  Learn more about our professional and efficient services.

System installation image

Create your own private water supply with a waterwell.

As part of our drilling expertise, we are able to offer a water well drilling service that allows you to harvest groundwater for domestic properties, agricultural processes or commercial premises with a high-water demand.

As your own private water supply has the ability to harvest up to 20,000 litres per day without a licence, waterwells are the perfect solution to high water demand and costly bills: with no danger of having a hosepipe ban imposed.

Water extracted from the ground is eco-efficient and can either be used as is for irrigation and commercial purposes or filtered for drinking water.

Waterwells are being utilised across the UK to decrease water bills and lower the burden on regional water suppliers.


Our Massenza rigs are owned and operated by experienced Onsen engineers and represent the cutting edge of drilling technology.

An astute team that puts safety first

Risk Management

Safety and Compliance

On all potential projects we perform a high level risk assessment: we pride ourselves on our sites' robust health and safety culture. We are RECC and SMAS certified. 

Equipment Maintenance

All equipment and rigs are owned in house - we conduct daily and weekly checks as routine, with a specialist’s assessment at every 500 hours of use.


We are one of the few installers in the UK to offer a comprehensive drilling service - complete with headerworks and glycol fill-up. We’re members of the GSHPA and work with the best GSHP contractors in the UK.

Partners and Certifications

We’re Council members of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association and work hand-in-hand with the UK’s leading Ground Source Heat Pump design team - Genius Energy Lab.

Speak to us about your own water supply today.

Harvest groundwater for domestic properties, agricultural processes or commercial premises.

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